Welcome to Liam’s Lifts


What is Liam’s Lifts?

Liam’s Lifts is a community based transport service whose aim is to solve the transport difficulties that members of our community often face when they need to attend oncology appointments and treatments in Cork City.  This service is provided ona  volunteer basis by members of our community.

This service has been running throughout Fermoy and Mitchelstown since 2011 and was rolled out in the Mallow region in January 2015.


How does it work?

To ensure that our passengers have the least level of disruption, we collect each passenger from their own home.  Our volunteer drivers then drive to the hospital or clinic where the treatment or appointment is arranged, wait unitl this is completed and then drive our passenger back to their home.


Is there a cost involved?

There is no cost for this service however, if our passengers are in a position to make a donation we would be very grateful.


How do I avail of this service?

If you think that Liam’s Lifts would be useful for you or someone you know please contact your GP, the Information Office in the hospital that you are attending or email us at triona@liamslifts.ie

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Make A Donation

Donations ensure that we are able to continue to provide our service to members of our community into the future.

Want To Volunteer

How you can get involved through volunteering for
Liam’s Lifts.

Book A Lift

Find out how you can book a lift with us for yourself or a friend who would like to avail of our service.

Where We Operate

A list of locations that Liam’s Lifts currently operates in.

Need more information?

If you have any questions or enquiries for Liam’s Lifts,
Feel free to fill in our contact form, send us an email or give us a call and we will be in touch.